Long before Page Anchors & DABR’s & Nuk’s, elaborate visions of wood & glass with hand etched designs danced in my head.
The piece featured here is really the only piece I’ve completed in this style (thus far) and is the 1st time I made art & had to build something. Completed around 2010.
Up until this point, I’d drawn and done alot of work with different mediums in school, but not much “building” art in the 3rd dimension.
This became my test piece to realize the vision.
About this etched glass & wood piece
Years ago for a family Christmas gift exchange, I got my uncle who is an archeologist. He is also an artisan himself and has studied Native American culture his whole life.
That year, I figured I’d test myself and create a unique gift.
Etching this piece was incredibly nerve-wracking. The custom glass piece I’d ordered was not something I could just go grab at the local hardware store. Kept the design and goal simple and proceeded, slow and steady.
The wood was from trees around my parents house. Mom and another uncle cut and cured it. I sanded it down to thickness, which wasn’t easy considering the limited tool set I was equipped with at the time.
All the hardware is from Home Depot. Pretty sure the copper caps are just hot glued on. This was a big task for a first project, so it surely wasn’t perfect.
Not sure why I ordered the glass larger than the wood… It could almost be a table. Ha!
Thanks for reading!